
Saturday, October 8, 2011

From East to East

Team to China (L to R): Ps Chris, Stephanie, Melinda, Jacqueline, Esther Lee, Chewie, Samuel, Lay Choo, Devorah, Ps Grace Glory, Esther Dan.

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
Acts 1:8

We are not called to sit in the Church. We were called out. We are the 'sent out' ones. But many wait for a prophet to prophesy them to the Nations except that The Prophet Himself already commissioned us out. The gospel doesn't stop with us, we're only the beginning and we're to take it to the "ends of the earth". So if you're wondering "Am I called to the Nations?". The answer is in the verse above - you were called to the "ends of the earth".

Holy Fire Creations, on 11-17 September 2011, sent a team of 12 to China to minister to the underground churches. We are unable to show any other photos to protect our brothers & sisters in China. It was easy to see that the team sent there came back changed.

An army in the East is rising. Their passion and hunger for Jesus surpasses their circumstances. Their tenacity is something to be admired. Their prayers can shake all religious structures to the ground! Doesn't matter if there are no chairs, we'll sit and learn. Doesn't matter if there are no instruments, we'll sing even more vibrantly. Doesn't matter if we have to hide, we'll still preach His Kingdom! In the end, we had something to learn from them as much as they learned from us. Amen.

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