
Monday, October 10, 2011

Come up to the Feast

"You go up to this feast... for My time has not yet fully come." John 7:8

The Feast of Tabernacles found in Leviticus 23 is a prophetic feast of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. It is a feast which looks forward to His coming in Glory. In John 7:8, the prophetic voice is still the same - His time is not yet come but we are to still honour this feast. Till He comes again, we wait anxiously and expectantly for our Bridegroom, Yeshua!

Feast of Tabernacles
at Holy Fire Creations
Join us on 12th October 2011, Wednesday
6.45pm for dinner
*Please RSVP if you're joining the dinner feast as we have to prepare meals.
To locate us click here

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