
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Feast of Trumpets

The Opening of the Gates!

Every year we celebrate the Feasts of the Lord (Leviticus 23), we receive a Word from Him. We celebrate with knowledge and revelation. And this year at the turning of a new Hebrew Year 5772, we entered His gates with shouts of joy & thanksgiving (Psalm 100)!

Rosh Hashana, meaning "new year", also means "the opening of the gates". As God unfolds a new year and opens the books of heaven, He reveals that there are open gates for His children to possess and enter!

In Psalm 118: 20, we'll walk through the gates of righteousness! In Genesis 24:60, we'll POSSESS the gates of our enemies! In Isaiah 28:6, we'll turn back the battle at the gates (meaning to send them back to where they came from)!

Jesus declared in Matthew 16:18, He's building a church which the gates of hell cannot prevail against. And don't forget the 'ancient gates' in Psalm 24 will open for the King of Glory!

In this new year, we not only enter through the gates but also possess the areas of our lives back for Jesus! Shana T'ova and have a blessed year ahead!

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