
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Word Covenant Church, Ipoh 12 July 2009

Word Covenant Church in Ipoh is led by Pastor Joseph Loh and wife, Theresa.

Holy Fire Creations was invited on 12th July 2009 to minister the Fire & the Glory in their humble church in Ipoh. Sisters Esther Teh and Chew Ie joined in on this trip. It had been more than a year ago since their last visit to release the Fire to Word Covenant Church.

During worship, the Spirit of the Lord stirs up the prophetic Word of the Lord through Ps Grace Glory. Though they have visited Word Covenant and Ipoh many times, the Lord brought a fresh revelation for Ipoh that morning.

Ps Chris sharing from the Word & from personal experiences with God

Ps Grace Glory sharing about the 3 steps unto glorification.
*Check out that "double orb" appearing on the flag. This is the first time we've captured such a phenomenon!

Praying and prophesying over leaders of the church - Ps Joseph and wife, Theresa

Ministering to the people of Word Covenant Church to receive the Fire & the Glory of God

In the Presence of God, mighty deliverances take place to set the captives free (2 Cor. 3:17, Isa. 61:1). Esther Teh ministering to a member of Word Covenant.

The "glory girls" (from left: Chew Ie, Ps Grace Glory, Esther Teh) enjoying God's creation outside Word Covenant Church located amongst the limestone hills. How Awesome is our God!

Enjoying Ipoh's cuisine - serving in the Kingdom of God has it's "earthly" rewards! Fellowship with our fellowmen is a gift from God - Ps Joseph Loh & family with Holy Fire Creations team

Heavenly Vision

While in Ipoh, Ps Grace Glory visited her Baptist uncle, Francis, who had undergone a major intestine operation on 4th June 2009. Holy Fire Creations team visited Uncle Francis and his family in their home to pray & minister to them.

Uncle Francis shared that one day, while in great pain, he cried out to Jesus to show him His face. He suddenly saw lights and felt like he was thrusted through a dark tunnel which he knew to be a terrible place, the Valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23). In the second part of this vision, he was in another place in which he saw many beautiful flowers and mansions. He knew it to be Heaven. He saw, outside one of the mansions, an adult who was giving out gifts to children. He "returned" from this vision when he was awakened by a visiting relative.

Uncle Francis knows that this vision was from God and he's thankful to be alive today. He had a good recovery from his operation and has a greater awareness of Heaven in his spiritual walk! Praise God!

From left: Uncle Francis and wife, and mother; Ps Grace Glory, Ps Chris

"And it shall come to pass afterward
that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions..."
Joel 2:28

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