
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lifeline AOG, Kuala Terangganu 7-9 May 2009

Holy Fire Creations was invited to Lifeline Assembly of God Family camp in Kuala Terangganu in.... 2009. The theme of the camp was appropriately named "Enter His Glory". God works in mysterious ways as the camp was held in "Gem Beach Resort" - how prophetic.

Lifeline AOG consists of English & Chinese congregation. Both congregations joined together for this family camp. Holy Fire Creations' Chinese translators, D'vorah Chan and Alice Chooi, joined Ps Chris and Ps Grace Glory on this trip.

Ps Chris ministering the Word while D'vorah Chan translates into Chinese

Ps Grace Glory sharing about the Fire and the Glory during the 3 day camp.

The Spirit of God began to move in those 3 days powerfully. The Spirit of Repentance was poured out and the leaders humbled themselves in His Presence.

"Now, therefore," says the Lord,
"Turn to Me with all your heart...
So rend your heart, and not your garments;
Return to the Lord your God...
Who knows if He will turn and relent,
and leave a blessing behind Him..."
Joel 2:12-14

On the last day of the camp, the Lord instructed a prophetic act of walking through a "Fire Tunnel". The people came under the "Fire Banner" and were prayed for while walking through it. Prophetic acts carry tremendous anointing especially when under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Leaders being touched by the Fire of God under the Fire Tunnel. The anointing was tremendous and Ps... was slain under the anointing.

The "glory" girls enjoying their relaxing surrounding at the hotel
From left: D'vorah Chan, Ps Grace Glory, Alice Chooi

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