
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Days of small beginnings

Holy Fire Ministries has it humble beginnings in Kuantan, Malaysia where God kept and trained  Pastors Chris & Grace Glory Dan for 25 years to shepherd His Flocks and hear His Present Truth.

"... and are established in the present truth"

2 Peter 1:12b

Holy Fire Prophecy

by Pastor Grace Lay (House of Joy Ministries, Seremban)

"...according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare." 
1 Timothy 1:18

On her first visit with her husband, Dr Lay, to Christian Praise Centre, Kuantan (pastored by Ps Chris & Grace Dan) on 4th September 1996, Ps Grace Lay prophesied that God has given "A FIRE" to Ps Grace Dan. As she raises up The FIRE, It will get bigger and brighter. While some will run toward to catch It, others will feel uncomfortable in It's Presence as the FIRE will reveal everything in the darkness. God warns that although satan will try to quench this FIRE, Ps Grace Dan is to be watchful and faithful to keep It burning and as many will receive It, It will multiply.

"The Lord is a consuming FIRE,

Hold It in your hands and bring it to the Nations!"

Excerpt from Ps Grace Lay's prophesy

Christian Praise Centre, Kuantan  4th September 1996

This precious prophecy began to take form when God uprooted the Dans from CPC Kuantan to settle in Kuala Lumpur in 2002. In September 2004, God used a dear sister-in-Christ to bring "The Fire Banner" to Ps Grace Dan who sought the Lord about it's significance. When we choose God's Holy Fire, we will escape His fire of Judgement which will burn up Earth (2 Pet. 3:10) and the Eternal Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:10). The Lord revealed that the Fire of His Holiness will lead to His Glory (Exo. 24:17, Zech. 2:5).

"A fire goes before Him, and burns up

His enemies round about..." Psalm 97:3

Pastor Christopher Dan  moves in apostolic calling and giftings, with signs and wonders in healing and deliverance ministry. The Dans have planted many churches especially in the East Coast of Malaysia over the past 25 years. Ps Chris has connections with several ministries in China and frequently ministers to the churches there.

Pastor Grace Glory Dan, on the other hand, moves in the prophetic anointing and prophetic teaching. She has written several manuals that aim to bring people into a deeper and more intimate relationship with God.

Both have a heart and longing to see Revival in Malaysia and a high calling to prepare His people for His coming!

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