
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

From the Blood to the Fire

We began a new spiritual year by celebrating the Feast of Passover on the 7th of April 2012. More than 50 days later we concluded a season with the Feast of Pentecost, the Feast of Fire & Power! The spiritual journey of Passover to Pentecost takes us from the redemption of the Blood to the sanctification by Fire. In God's master plan, a believer must go through a process of being "justified by faith" to sanctification and finally to glorification.

 The Feast of Pentecost was celebrated thousands of years before Acts 2. It was a commemoration of the giving of the Torah in Exodus 19 when Israel left Egypt and arrived at Sinai to receive God's commandments. The 120 disciples in Acts 2 were obeying a commandment their forefathers obeyed and received the seal of the New covenant when the Holy Spirit descended when the "fullness of Pentecost" had arrived.

"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption"
Ephesians 4:30

The Holy Spirit is so precious to believers that Jesus warned in Matthew 25 that there are some who are "foolish" or careless with His "oil". Only those who had His anointing oil OVERFLOWING were able to enter into the Marriage Supper. The Church at this hour is at the "sleeping" mode waiting for the Bridegroom but it is the 11th hour and the call is about to be made.

"Awake, you who sleep,
Arise from the dead,
And Christ will give you LIGHT."
Ephesians 5:14

Feast times are declaration times! The Heavens open and His children have been listening to the moves of the Spirit and are ready to declare into the Heavenlies! Such exciting times, you just wouldn't want to miss it!

Lord pour out Your Spirit! We are waiting, we are hungry for our Harvest!
Prophetic declaration and words were released by the "Joshua" generation

We are in a season and in the "7th day" where God is ready to perform His Word and there shall be NO MORE DELAY! (Ezekiel 12) We are the generation who will witness the greatest Outpouring of His Spirit that the prophet Joel had seen in Joel 2. What an hour we are in!

During worship, Stephanie painted a vision she saw of the Holy Spirit hovering over us.