
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Word of Testimony

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Revelation 12:11

Prabha had suffered a minor paralysis in his leg after a surgery. He had been unable to work, walk without the help crutches or even play the drums for more than 3 months. During one of the night meetings, without anyone laying hands on him, the Lord healed his leg! He felt a tingling sensation during the worship and by the end of the service he had joined the worship team by playing the drums!

Praba returned to Holy Fire Creations after a short two weeks and testified that the Lord healed him completely. He was walking without the help of any crutches! He also experienced a tremendous supernatural weight loss (with no other medication or special diet) in that short period - a total of 29kg!

Pearly, during a glory meeting at Tabernacle of David with David Herzog (May 2008), experienced supernatural WEIGHT LOSS! She noticed it when her pants started sliding down! However, it didn't stop at the meeting, that was only just the beginning. Even upon returning to meetings at Holy Fire Creations, Pearly continued to lose more weight in the glory. She didn't receive a touch from man but was touched by God Himself.

 Raymond had attended a 2-day Repentance seminar held in a home cell in Sungai Long. After the first day's session, upon returning home, he couldn't sleep and started having symptoms of deliverance. He testified that his own daughter could see a "light" upon his face after returning from the Repentance seminar.

Raymond testified that Jesus Christ, upon the confession of generational sins, has set him free of generational curses of anger, unforgiveness and even the occult. Today he is a "new man" in Christ able to read the Word and pray by the Spirit.

Cindy had also attended a 2-day Repentance seminar held in Sungai Long. She testified that after the first day session, she had also experienced a tremendous deliverance in her own home. Cindy had started praying the "S.W.A.T" prayer and began throwing up spirits. The Holy Spirit had also brought to her remembrance occurances of specific idol worship acts her mother used to make her perform during her childhood. After repenting to God for these sins, she had a breakthrough in prayer and boldness (confidence) in prayer (1 John 5:14). Even with her daughter who suffers rashes, Cindy experienced a joy in praying for her daughter instead of complaining.

During David Herzog's Glory Invasion seminar held at Tabernacle of David, KL, there were diamonds and precious stones "manifesting" on earth as it is in Heaven! Esther and Frances of Holy Fire Creations received a ruby and diamond each during the night meetings. The Lord is adorning His Bride (Isaiah 61:10)!

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