
Friday, July 10, 2009

Teaching Anointing

During their visit to Georgia, USA in 1997, Pastors Chris & Grace Dan met Elizabeth Greer by God's divine appointment. That meeting would change their lives forever. As Elizabeth Greer opened up to them the message of Repentance, it was soon obvious that it is a vital key into God's Presence. This message not only is validated by the Word of God but carries with it signs of deliverance and healing. Thousands have been changed and transformed by the message of repentance - a message which is thousands of years old.

"The voice of one crying in the wilderness:

"Prepare the way of the Lord;

Make His paths straight.

Every valley shall be filled

And every mountain and hill brought low;

The crooked places shall be made straight

And the rough ways smooth;

And all flesh shall see the salvation of God" Isaiah 40:3-5

Being a teacher trainer with the Ministry of Education Malaysia until her full retirement in 2008, Pastor Grace Glory is well trained as a teacher of the Word. Over a period of 2 years, the Lord anointed her to pen down the messages of Repentance, Royal Priesthood and Spiritual Warfare into comprehensive study manuals. With every principal backed up by the Word of God, you will find your life transformed from glory to glory!

Below is a list of manuals printed by Holy Fire Creations. Orders for the manuals are by email only. (Training sessions are available by appointment.)

REPENTANCE, The First Key to God's Presence

Can generational curses and self afflicted bondages still operate in a Christian's life? Legally, "NO" as Jesus' death and resurrection has set us free, experientially, "YES" as believers have not appropriated the Power of the Cross to their lives. Find out how you can be totally liberated to love and serve God through the power of REPENTANCE & DELIVERANCE.


Sanctification follows Repentance. Learn how to stand as HOLY PRIESTS to minister to God and intercede to bring His Love & Power to a sinful world. This manual discloses the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood to which we are called. It also enables you to understand how the Anointing flows upon your life that you can be an effective witness for God.

Spiritual WARFARE 1 & 2

After September 11th, 2001, God spoke "these are times for WAR, and not of peace" (Eccle. 3:8b). The endtime Church of Jesus Christ is facing a spiritual war, one which is NOT with flesh and blood but one which involves much battling in the spirit realm against satan and his hordes of darkness, which are getting desperate to destroy and hinder Gods' perfect will for us. A knowledge of warfare strategies is a must for today's Christians.

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