8th August 2011
Grace Convention Centre
New song for a new season
Sons of Issachar
Found in 1 Chronicles 12:32, the "sons of Issachar" were of the tribe who "had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do". It's so important in these days to be at the right time, at the right place doing the right thing. Chuck Pierce is known for this "Issachar" anointing to understand our times and to know what the Church at large should do. Don't forget this tribe was always linked with the tribe of Judah and Zebulun (Numbers 10:14-16).
He came to make prophetic declarations that "MALAYSIA, THIS IS YOUR TIME!". However, prophecy doesn't come to pass without our response. In fact one of the weapons of our warfare is the prophetic word (1 Timothy 1:18). It is as much our part as God's to see this word fulfilled. What we prophesied or heard prophesied in the last season will NOW come to pass in this season! (Ezekiel 12)
Chuck Pierce spoke of a 3 year season (2010-2012) that we're in. How we decide NOW in 2011 will determine our next 3 year season (2012-2014) - you either GO UP to your new season or GO DOWN to your last season and eventually dwindle. So decide well!
"Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established (stand firm, upheld);
believe His prophets, and you shall prosper (advance, succeed)"
2 Chronicles 20:20b definition added
To order CDs/DVDs of this event, please contact Grace Assembly.