- being caught up
- the state of being transported by emotion
- an expression of ecstatic feeling
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Rapture Ready
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Another Dream
Old men shall dream dreams
Dream of the Rapture
On 21st of May at 5.00 am, I was awaken by the sound of the shofar from a far distance. Then 1 Thess 4:16 came to mind - that at the sound of the trumpet the dead in Christ shall rise first. After that I started to hear the sound of flapping wings and screams of panicking demons running helter skelter . (Perhaps, satan’s domain in the 2nd heaven is also awaken by the Rapture.)
The second sound of the shofar followed, a very distinct sound and I felt myself getting weightless and floating up a bit but then I came down because of my weight. I panicked thinking I was not caught up or raptured. Suddenly I was taken back to my old church in CPC Kuantan. I saw some of the members being taken up ( a very small %) many leaders were left behind. Immediately I had the understanding from the Word that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). One of the reasons why the people were not raptured was that they had little or no knowledge of the rapture or they didn’t believe. I also saw in Kuantan some people especially some strangers in the wet market being taken up - people I never expect to be raptured as they were not Christians years ago. But they must have accepted Christ somehow.
I was taken back to Kuala Lumpur (KL) and I saw more than 80% of Holy Fire Creations (HFC) members being caught up in the air but there were a few who remained. There was a prompting in my spirit to go and tell those who remained to start repenting for bitterness and unforgiveness and besetting sins. There was one whom I talked to who repented and she immediately started to float up but others who were still having hardened hearts remained. These included those who have left HFC. I also saw that when the person was being lifted up, the clothes which he or she was wearing would fall to the ground and a robe of plain white colour would cover the rising body I had the understanding that Ps Grace (my wife) and I were told that we needed to go and seek out those who remained, to start setting their lives right by 1 John 1:9 so that they too would be caught up.
The Lord also showed me the general picture of the churches in KL especially the big churches. Less than 20 % were taken up and many pastors and leaders were left behind. They were shocked when they saw some of their members being taken up but they themselves remained. Immediately they changed as they comforted themselves that this was not the real rapture and it was good for some of those whom they considered trouble makers to have left as they were always talking about the end times, thereby putting fear among their congregations.
I saw a view of the KL skyline and people from all over the city were being taken up but not in big numbers but a few here and there. I was very afraid and I felt the heart of God as He really wanted His children to be with Him before the great tribulation comes. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:7 when the Holy Spirit leaves Earth, there will be no one to stop the anti Christ from rising. I sensed that God is raising up a company of nameless and faceless ones to be His End Time harvesters for He does not want any of His children to be left behind - For His Mercy Endures Forever. In my own understanding I felt that He still gives A LAST CHANCE to repent even in such crucial moments. Unfortunately I saw that there were not many who were willing to go forward to preach repentance and save the lost at the last moments.
Before I woke up from my dream, Matthew 7: 13, 14 came to mind - “Enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it.”
I thank God for His mercy to warn me through this vivid and awesome dream (Job 33:13-18). The Holy Spirit has burdened me to share this dream that others may know that TIME is Running Out and that we have to be prepared always, being in the state of HOLINESS and be found doing the PERFECT WILL of the Father. Matt 24:44 - “ Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming in an hour when you do not expect Him.”
The dream was given to Ps Chris Dan, a 64 year old pastor of Holy Fire Creations, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 21st May 2011.