Psalm 8:2
"Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger."
On the 20th of March, 2011 young Joel came to share about his heavenly experiences at our Shabbat service in Holy Fire Creations. Joel testifies that Jesus had healed him of asthma and nightmares. He also desired to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and his parents, David and Lisa, prayed over him. He testified he felt "a very hot sensation" coming over him. He felt LOVE and COMPASSION flood his heart and began travailing.
Is this a strange phenomenon? Should Christians doubt that children can preach through revelation, not having read through the entire bible? Jesus preached when He was 12 years old (Luke 2:42-50). The prophet Joel prophesied about "young men and women" when God pours out His Spirit on "all flesh" (Joel 2:28-29). Jeremiah was a young man, some say a teenager when God called him. Timothy is taught by Paul "not to despise your youth" (1 Tim. 4 :12). Samuel was merely a child when he served in the Temple under old Eli.
So don't count it strange what you're about to read. How Jesus shows young Joel the New Jerusalem even though Joel has never read the book of Revelation. These are excerpts from Joel's testimony, may God be glorified! (Scripture references are added for the benefit of the reader and emphasis has been added.)
"First I saw a light, then a mountain... I saw a Man on the mountain I knew immediately it was Jesus. He is a size of person, light is coming from His face and His whole body. He has a crown on His head and He's wearing a white robe. There is no sun but LIGHT is coming out of Him (Rev. 21:23).... At the foot of the hill were multitudes of people - different ages, sizes, even babies and toddlers! The people had BANNERS of different colours (Song of Sol. 6:4). Jesus was leading them to the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2)... I saw myself amongst them still a child (11-13 years old). I am now 9 years old."
"We suddenly went to a green pasture with a clear stream (Psalm 23). Jesus is the Shepherd... singing with a harp but I couldn't hear any sound. The Lord does not let the sheep go alone to where He knows it's harmful. They shall not have what they want, only what they need He allows."
"We go back to the mountain, praising God with banners shouting "Hallelujah!". Angels are teaching us how to put on our armour (Eph. 6:13-17). The armour is blinding LIGHT (Rom. 13:12). Angels are much larger than us, praising God. After the Battle is when the Feast begins (Rev. 19:9). The Feast table is super long! Lots of food, fruits of all kinds, especially MANNA (Exo. 16). All Creation - rocks, mountains, sea, animals, people - praising the Lord."
"I have seen a very, very large FLAME - red, orange, yellow - in the blue sky. It gives out light to the world burning all bad things. People who come to cleanse themselves in the fire will not die even though it hurts (Mal. 3:2-3). Some people are scared of this fire and don't want to go in. Jesus is with the people who went through the fire (Daniel 3:25). The FLAME IS ETERNAL (Rev. 4:5). The flame is people coming back to Jesus."
"I thank Jesus that He is so wonderful. I also thank Ps Chris and Grace Glory for helping me understand and not be afraid anymore of what the Lord wants to do. WE MUST LOVE JESUS WITH ALL OUR HEARTS. HE LOVES US MORE THAN WE LOVE HIM."
Joel has continued to testify of miracles - his grandfather's eye surgery was cancelled because Jesus healed him! Joel's Iranian friend in school wants to be a Christian!
This testimony is given to give ALL GLORY to YAHVEH, YESHUA and the HOLY SPIRIT!