
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Going out with joy

The cloud by day and the fire by night, this was Israel's navigator after exiting Egypt. Today our "navigator" is the Spirit of God Himself (Romans 8:14). When the cloud would move, so would the entire camp of Israel. Wherever the cloud would rest, Israel would set up camp (Num 9:15-23) until the Lord led them to Canaan, their Promise Land. This also ought to be a pattern of our journey with the Lord, which is one of the purposes of this blog - to journal our journey with the Lord till He comes. He will lead us day and night, protecting and providing all the way that we may reach our "promised land", His Glory (Psalm 23).

Holy Fire Creations' journey is an Abrahamic journey. From Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur, the cloud has led Holy Fire Creations from place to place. Now after 4 years in Bangunan Atlas, the cloud is moving on. For our new location, click here.

26th December 2009

"For you shall go with joy, and be led forth with peace"
Isaiah 55:12

Worship attracts our Father's attention (John 4:23b).

It was with a great sense of celebration and thanksgiving to Abba Father for His faithfulness. As we entered His gates with thanksgiving, offering our sacrifices of praise, the Lord moved sovereignly. As we worshipped, the Holy Spirit liberated us from our own "programmes" (2 Cor. 3:17).

God has gone up with a SHOUT,
the Lord with the sound of a TRUMPET!
Psalm 47:5

L to R: Ps Chris, Jeffrey Ng, William Khoo
The Lord led us into a prophetic act of opening our door to welcome the Lord Jesus. (There is of course, a physical and spiritual door. In this act, it was the GEOGRAPHICAL door as well our hearts to be open. Prophetic acts are not to be repeated religiously but only as and when prompted by the Holy Spirit.)

As we welcome Jesus into the room with this prophetic act, it would our Good Shepherd who would also lead us out!

Open up the gates (doors) and let the King of Glory in! (Psalm 24)
 Ps Grace Glory testified when the door was open and the trumpets sounded,
she felt a "presence" walk past her! Wow!

"I will dance for the Ark of Glory
I will sing and praise His Name
As the Holy Spirit led David dancing to Zion

As the waves of glory pouring out
I will enter in with a victory shout!
And I'll join the great procession heading to Zion"

Whenever the Ark moved, praise precedes it. Wherever the Ark is rested, so does His Glory. Today we are "carriers" of His Ark, His Presence. Yet God has a divine order and we are not to be careless with His Presence & His Glory. Remember Uzza? (2 Sam.6)

Divine Order of the Camp

In Numbers 10, the order of "moving camp" was given and it began with 2 silver trumpets (different from a shofar). These instruments had it's specific use at assembling, war and at moving camp. When the trumpets were blown by the priests, Israel would hear the sound and respond accordingly. Today we are a kingdom of priests (1 Pet.2:9) and we are to tune our spirit man to hear the SOUND of Heaven.

The camp would move tribe by tribe. Judah, Issachar and Zebulun on the East side would break camp first. These tribes signified the Praise of the Lord, the Knowing of the Lord and the Prosperity of the Lord. The last tribe was Dan, Asher and Naphtali - they were the REARGUARD tribes. They would gather in those who may be too weak to war - children, elderly, handicapped. It was to make sure that ALL made it across - Praise the Lord! Today, the Lord Himself is our "rearguard"! The perfect picture of the rearguard is in Exodus 14:19, when the Angel of the Lord went behind Israel to protect them from their ferocious enemy. We're moving forward and we're not looking back because the Lord is our rearguard who cuts off our enemies from our past, present and future! Check out Isaiah 52:12, Isaiah 58:8b, Psalm 139:5. 

The sounding of the silver trumpets announcing the breaking of camp. Following behind will be the tribe's banners. In this case, the Holy fire flag and Lion of Judah flag.

Our last feast in Atlas - scrumptious to the last crumb!
Remember, the Lord prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies! (Ps 23)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hi-lights of Australia Trip

The Blue Mountains
Let all creation praise the Lord!
The weather was pleasant for us to visit the mountains and we stood in awe at the work of His hands.

Glory girls on top of the mountains!

Spiritual encounters
During this trip to Australia, we heard of many encounters of the God kind. May these testimonies give glory to God and prepare us for His coming. Actual names are not used for discretion purposes.

A dream that saved

"Kay" had come from a staunch Sikh background that did not permit a change of religion, especially to Christianity. The consequences was that she would be ostracised from all her family. However, the Lord gave her a dream. She dreamt that she was in the clouds and she was dressed in white. As she looked around, she saw an army in white galloping on the clouds. There was a man in white, riding on a white horse. He had a crown on His head and a sword in His hand. As they were galloping on the clouds, she looked down and saw people she knew and asked "That's so and so, how come they're not coming with us?".
Not knowing what the dream meant or who that Man was on the horse, she related it to a christian relative. Upon hearing about the dream, the relative told Kay that she just had a dream about the rapture and the Man was Jesus in Revelation 19. Being curious, asking about the rapture and about Jesus, she accepted Christ.

Kay faced tremendous amount of persecution especially from her father. He refused to talk to her though they lived and worked together. Everyday, Kay would pray and stand upon the word in Joel 2 "old men shall dream dreams". At the end of 2 years, the Lord appeared to Kay's father in a dream! Kay's father knew undoubtedly that it was Jesus Christ and he accepted Him as his Saviour. Now, her family are all saved. Praise be to God!

2 Mothers
Abu and Anna were both muslims until the Lord visited them and they got saved. Being excited they both tried to evangelise to their respective mothers. Anna's mother heard the gospel and accepted Christ into her life. However, Abu's mother refused to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Both mothers passed on in due time. One day, Abu and Anna's son had a dream. "I saw both my grandmothers. Your (Anna's) mother was very happy and she kept asking me to come play with her. But your (Abu's) mother was very sad and she told me "Tell my son, Bubu, that he was right and I was wrong. I should have listen to him. I'm sorry. Tell him I'm sorry."" Upon hearing this, Abu was taken aback as no one knew his nickname "Bubu" except his own mother! It confirmed that their son's dream was real and so was the warning.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Up & Above

The Lord can choose to move suddenly in and around us, and when He does we must be ready to let go of our own plans and desires, and move quickly with Him. Trying to go against the flow of the Spirit would be like kicking against the goad (Acts 9:5). The prophet Malachi records for us that the Lord can suddenly appear in His temple, the condition is that we must be constantly seeking Him (Malachi 3:1).

The idea of going to Australia, be it on holiday or ministry, had never entered our hearts or minds. Like a whirlwind, the Lord orchestrated that Ps Grace Glory and two armour bearers, D'vorah Chan and Frances Voon, would visit Melbourne and Sydney in mid-October. Planning time: 3 weeks! This turned out to be a significant trip to the land "down under" for Holy Fire Creations to spread the Fire & the Glory and declare it to be the land "up & above"!

Divine Connections

In Scripture, divine connections are important to one's own destiny and ministry (like Paul and Barnabas, David and Jonathan). The Lord chooses to work through His servants. Only having few friends in Melbourne & Sydney, we had to depend on the Lord for "divine connections" and we ended up catching an end-time strategy of God's, invading homes with the glory!

Melbourne, Victoria
14-17 October, 2009

L to R: Elizabeth, Ps Grace Glory, Lucy

The Lord made connections in Melbourne through God's servant, Elizabeth (originally from Kuala Lumpur). At times in Scripture, Jesus would minister to small or large groups, or just one (like the woman at the well in John 4). Numbers in masses don't impress God, the hunger in their hearts is what attracts Him. And "hunger (for God)" is what we found!

Meeting other fellow Malaysians in Melbourne and sharing "present truth"

Open hearts and Open homes
But whatever house you enter, first say "Peace (Shalom) to this house."
And if a son of peace (seeker of shalom) is there, your peace will rest (remain, abide)
on it; if not, it will return to you. Luke 10:5-6

In Melbourne, we were hosted by Frances' friends, Marlene & Jag. As we entered their home we greeted them with a "Shalom" blessing. Jag later testified, to God's glory, he literally felt the atmosphere change and could feel the tangible peace of the Prince of Peace. Unknown to us, Victoria has been suffering low rains and thus had been implementing restrictions to save water. When we arrived from Malaysia, it was reported to us that we "brought the rain" as it started raining non-stop the first two days upon our arrival! Even Nature responds to the Glory of God! (Mark 4:39 records for us how the winds obeyed Jesus' command, also see James 5:18.)

The first two days upon our arrival the Lord had us to minister in homes.
The glory is invading homes! (Above picture taken in Lucy's home)

On the second night, the Lord opened up another home to the fire & the glory in Melbourne. Different callings, different ministries but ONE Lord, ONE Spirit, ONE Kingdom over all.

Teaching of the Word is vital to lay the proper Word foundation before impartion. Without knowledge, His people perish, in other words they cannot contain His glory without the word of God as a solid foundation in their lives (Hosea 4:6).

Praying and imparting to the youth

On the 3rd day of our visit, the Lord rewarded us with good weather and we visited the Dandenong Mountains with Frances' good friend, Erica Lin. We leisurely enjoyed our "Pie in the Sky" and scrumptious scones at Miss Marples. Yum!

Not a moment to waste - even to the last moment we managed to steal time to minister to our hosts in Melbourne, Marlene & Jag, at Tiger Airways Terminal before flying off to Sydney.

Sydney, New South Wales
17-22 October, 2009

"And I will show you wonders in the heavens (sky) and in the earth..." Joel 2:30

The moment we arrived in Sydney, walking out of the airport, we sighted this in the sky! The word "HOPE" was written in the Sydney sky by "sky writing". How awesome!

Before our very eyes, the "sky writer" began spelling out the Name above every other name - JESUS! As if that wasn't enough, it finished the sentence - JESUS IS LORD! wow! (We later discovered that this was part of the "Jesus all about life" campaign to promote Jesus over the airwaves of Australia.)

Along the way from the airport, we saw a "jalopy" dressed up as a bridal car.
It was a sign of that the "Bride (of Christ) is coming".

Minutes later we arrived in the city's Chinatown and on the corner was a street preacher preaching salvation unto Jesus with an apt sign reading "ARE YOU READY?". Check out the scripture poster that's next to the preacher - it's in BAHASA MALAYSIA!

Along with the street preacher were youth handing out Christian tracks that looked like large AUS$100 bills - "kaya kaya"!

Our hostess, sister Lai Chen, placed on each of our beds a "midnight snack" of chocolate - it was a bar of Milk Chocolate. She had also blessed us each with bottles of honey and the Lord began to speak "See in ONE day I've given you milk (chocolate) & honey as a sign that the land I'm bringing you into is a land of "milk & honey"". Thank You Jesus!

Bethel, house of God

Our hostess in Sydney, Lai Chen, was Ps Grace Glory Dan's student during her first year of service as a teacher. A few years ago, Lai Chen located Mrs Dan and the reconnection was made. However, it was to be another 2 years before meeting in persons. Since then, Lai Chen and her husband have prepared their home to be a "house for God".

From L to R: D'vorah, Lai Chen, Ps Grace Glory, Frances
Enjoying a home cooked meal with Lai Chen and her family. The Lord truly gave us a FEAST!

"You prepare a table (or banquet) before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23:5,6

L to R: Frances, Grace, Ps Grace Glory, Lai Chen
Breaking bread together is part of Kingdom family life. In the book of Acts, the apostles were recorded "breaking bread from house to house" (Acts 2:46) and the Lord would add to them.
Grace (in picture), is a good friend of Frances' who lives in Sydney. Bringing the message of Repentance is a key mandate of Holy Fire Creations ministries. Seen here praying repentance for personal and generational sins with Grace.

The house church is an end time strategy of God. That's how the First Church began. It began with hearts being drawn together - it is the LIVING STONES coming together to build Him a place to dwell.

In this high tech age, even the Word can be taught using a Playstation unit! James, Lai Chen's youngest son, helped the rest of us "oldies" figure a way to display the teachings without having a lap top or computer nearby. God uses children to display His Glory!

Enjoying the sights of Darling Harbour and of course, enjoying Aussie cuisine.

Our last supper

Before flying off home, we had a four hour stop-over in Melbourne in which the Lord truly rewarded us with a full-course meal. Marlene & Erica were kind enough to be our hosts for the night. We enjoyed one of the aspects of Australian cuisine, Italian flavours of pastas and pizzas. Yum Yum!

For the sweet girls, we went next door for more Italian flavours - gelato! Even though it was quite cold, we enjoyed our rainbow of flavours.

 To warm ourselves up before flying off, we enjoyed a taster platter at Koko Black. It proved to have the best chocolate ice cream we've all ever tasted!

Thank You Abba God for this wonderful and meaningful journey. We felt Your favour, love and glory all the way. May Australia be blessed as we were blessed. Set the Nation of Australia on FIRE for You God! Seal all the work of Your hand and the people You touched through us with the blood of Jesus. Amen.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lord Pour out Your Spirit

On the 7th of October, we were prompted by the Holy Spirit to do the prophetic act of Water Libation, which is part of the celebration of Sukkot.

In John 7:37-39, "on the last day, that great day of the feast", when Jesus declared "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture (Isaiah 12:3, 43:20, 44:3, 55:1) has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified." (emphasis added)

To our understanding, Jesus had declared this during the Water Libation Act performed by the priests in the Temple. Although the order of this act is not recorded in the Torah, this was performed as 
  1. a thanksgiving for the latter rain (Joel 2:23) and
  2. as a prophetic picture of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28-29). 
As the priests in Jesus' days poured the wine and water, He declared to them the true meaning of this act and as the verses show, He was speaking to them concerning the Holy Spirit. For more information regarding the details of this act, click here.

Pour out Your Spirit, O Lord and fulfill Your will on earth as it is in Heaven!
Let Your Latter Rain fall that the Latter Day Harvest may spring forth!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Repentance & the Day of Atonement

In accordance to the upcoming feast, Yom Kippur also known as the Day of Atonement (Lev 16, 23:26-32), we will be hosting the following programme:

The First Key to God's Presence
Sunday 27th September 2009
3pm at Holy Fire Creations (see map)

This is a one day seminar that may change your life both spiritually and physically! 

Can generational curses and self afflicted bondages still operate in a Christian's life? Legally, "NO" as Jesus' death and resurrection has set us free, experientially, "YES" as believers have not appropriated the Power of the Cross to their lives. Find out how you can be totally liberated to love and serve God through the power of REPENTANCE & DELIVERANCE.

Deborah's testimony
18 year old Deborah has been suffering from eczema on her palm for many years. Eczema is a skin condition that causes itching, flaking, dryness to name a few. Basically, it's very uncomfortable. Deborah has always had to wear a glove to protect her palm against detergents.

Her parents happened to attend Holy Fire Creation's Repentance seminar a few months ago in 2009 at a home cell. Being God fearers and lovers, they obeyed the Holy Spirit in going through the Repentance teaching and in doing so, breaking any generational curses. Only months returning to give GLORY to God as Deborah's condition had improved tremendously over such a short period! Praise the Lord! Deborah's mother boasts that she doesn't even need her gloves anymore. Wow! What an awesome God we serve!

Deborah showing off her smoother right palm after having suffered eczema for years. It was through learning repentance and breaking generational curses. Praise be to God!

Deborah's palm on the left of this photo is recovering well

Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur

 Once a year, Aaron the High Priest would enter into the Holy of Holies to make atonement for Israel. Now we have a Great High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek (Ps 110:4, Heb 4:14-16) who stands on our behalf! To prepare for this feast, here are a few scripture references: Lev 16, Lev 23:26-32, Hebrews 4-10). Know Jesus as your Atonement, your Great High Priest but also know Him as the Judge who is returning to rule and reign!

We will enter Yom Kippur from sundown after the Repentance Teaching.

Blow the Trumpet!

Feast of Trumpets
Rosh Hashana 19th September 2009

Leviticus 23:2 "The feasts of the LORD,
which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts."

The Feasts of the Lord shall be celebrated perpetually (Lev 23:14). In celebrating the feasts of the Lord, we keep "in timing" with the Lord and with Heaven's activities. It does not return us to legalism or Judaism as we understand the feasts as "prophetic rehearsals" and with the Holy Spirit's guidance, there is great joy & liberty! (2 Cor 3:17)

It's a Season of Ascension!

Everytime the Hebrew children celebrated the feasts of the Lord, they had to go UP to Jerusalem (see Song of Ascents in Psalms). This meant they had to make an effort to go to a higher place, Jerusalem. However, this year the Lord released to us Isaiah 33:20 "Look upon Zion, the city of our appointed feasts". We ascend by coming INTO the House of the Lord, by worshipping unto His Throne, by arising in our spirit & soul and not be "down" by the circumstances around us.

"I was glad when they said to me,
"Let us go into the house of the Lord."...
Where the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord..."
Psalm 122:1,4

Blow the Trumpets!

There is much preparation that is needed before entering any feasts of the Lord, just like there is much preparation entering into Hari Raya, Deepavali or Chinese New Year. Preparation is through the teaching of the Word but also in prophetic hearing of the "still small voice".

The Lord began to speak prophetically that He had put in our hands His trumpet but He began to speak to us "now put the trumpet to your mouth and BLOW!". May the Prophetic voice in our Nation and the Nations arise!

Sharing of the Word regarding the Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashana which marks a new civil Hebrew calendar.

Demonstrating the feasts of the Lord in accordance to Jewish wedding customs. The Feast of Trumpets is seen as a prophetic rehearsal of the saints being "caught up" (1 Thess 4:17), referring to what is known as the "rapture". Illustrating from Matthew 25, the parable of the 10 virgins, we understand that we must always be in the posture of readiness of our coming King.

Crossing over to a New Decade: 5770

A prophetic "trumpet"
In this year's Rosh Hashana 2009, it marks a new decade in the Hebrew calendar from 5769 to the year 5770. In a few months the Gregorian calendar will also be turning a new decade - 2010. Numbers carry prophetic meaning and "70" happens to be "divine order".

Declarations of thanksgiving for the past 10 years and declaring into the NEXT 10 years! Sister Alice led the congregation to declare for our future victories in Christ over ourselves, our family and ministries. Awesome!

Brother Andre, an anointed gatekeeper,
declaring over the next 10 years for our Nation, Malaysia! Get ready Malaysia!

As we sound the trumpets over Malaysia, there are angels with trumpets blowing with us!

Shana Tova! Sweet refreshment to welcome a new year, new beginnings!
Let our bitterness be turned into sweetness